2019 Housekeeping FTE Facility Management Module Survey Report


Custodial / Housekeeping departments are consistently challenged to present their Full-Time Employee / Equivalent (FTE) data to institutional leaders to validate their staffing requirements. Facility directors have limited resources and available staff to properly maintain building data, cleaning times and frequencies. The calculation processes provided by APPA (appa.org) “Leadership in Educational Facilities” establishes industry standards for service levels and FTE metrics. The purpose of this survey is to investigate current FTE validation practices while evaluating interest in developing a fast, easy to maintain system that provides instant results on existing FM systems.

The White Paper, FTE Facility Management Module: The Future of Staffing Calculations, describes the current need and vision in further detail. Today, NCSU’s FM system Housekeeping Space Use module utilizes architectural resources for calculating FTEs through the department’s unique calculation database system.

Survey Highlights

  • FTE Systems
  • Relevance to institutions
  • Staffing justification preparedness
  • Staffing predictions
  • Simple, efficient & affordable FTE calculation interest
  • Additional comments

Participation in this survey was primarily focused on institutions, however, FM Developers were invited to participate as well.    

The average time to complete the survey was three minutes.  All questions were required except for one.  The survey was conducted from March 4th through March 25th, 2019, with the report available for download April, 2019.

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